Final Video

Tuesday, 29 January 2013

Music Video- Very Rough Edit!

Here is the very first and very rough edit of my video! Currently the video says it is  longer than it is- (this is because i accidentaliy left a clip floating around somewhere and forgot to delete it), but infact my video stops at 3 minutes 32 seconds. I know it isn't perfect yet by any means, but here is my first attempt! As you will notice there are changes from my animatic video. When editing I originally stuck to the animatic, but found the video lacking in variety, with each clip lasting for too long. As you will notice i have put the clips together at a faster pace to add variety. You will also notice that the order is also not exactly as i had planned, due to using the clips more frequently and i also chose not to put in the timelapse clip. I did this because i feel that it did not have the original desired effect and looked out of place. I also chose not to use any stop motion. I made this decision for a similar reason as i didn't add in the timelapse footage. It didn't fit in with the overall tone of the video, and i feel it could have worked if the song was more upbeat.

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