Final Video

Sunday, 24 February 2013

Digipak/ CD/Album adverts 3- The importance of a print advert in a promotion of the artist & music

Being the first place an audience member see's the advertising campaign,It will therefore introduce the audience member to the overall synergy of the album .
This synergy will give them recognisable features to become familiar with and then easily recognise and associate with that album
 The print advert tells the audience member imprtant information such as the title and the release date - making it easier for them as they know when and where they can purchase the album ect
 A print advert will also potentially attract a wider range of people as the more people who see the advert, means that more people are aware of the advert and some of these people may show an interest in the album and go on the purchase it.

Here is a short animoto explaining the importance of a print advert

Make your own slide show at Animoto.

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